My brain was full of different thoughts – “Why have I done this or what will be my punishment?” as I walk down the shattered corridor. In sight I see two double doors. I notice a blurred object outside as I amber through the first set of doors, then the second set. I now knew that the inexplicable blurred object was a police car. Concealing myself I hurry to the bike rack. My teacher wanting to eagerly talk to the disorientated policeman. Breathless, she explained everything that has just recently happened. I quickly mount my bike as the teacher vigilantly points at me. The policeman looks.
The teacher was struck with fear to see how far I had travelled. “I have to get home quick!” as I reminded myself. I persistently looked back to see if the policeman was coming. As I noticed blurred objects moving. I rode as fast as I could to get home. I dismounted my bike inconsiderately and darted inside my disorganised house. Feeling the comfort as I was at home. I gazed at the TV in shock stating supernatural occurrence at local school. Furious, I barged into my room and as quickly as I could I began to pack my essential belongings. As loud as bomb exploding, the policemen knocked down the front door. Panicked-stricken I started to go to the back door. Startled, I summoned the keys and began to unlock the pale white door.
I ran out as quickly as I could as the policeman was not to be seen. I looked. Not one sound. I began to stroll through the partly obliterated wood. I heard the smooth river rippling in my ear, I heard my own breath in the air. As I walked through, there were sticks snapping, leaves rustling and trees creaking, I was now in a tranquil place, no longer in the boisterous school. It began to fall to the evening as I heard the wind whistling in my ear. Suddenly, I saw a shine of the touch. I ran.
Running, sprinting, bolting I ran as fast I could through the ominous forest. I heard them shouting, ”STOP BOY!” they exclaimed. Which I took no notice of. And kept running until I was on the floor. Unconscious as I thought, “I have been caught.” I said wearily not knowing what was happening. I huddled in a ball. A shine of explosion I blasted the bewildered police men. Was this the end?
Adrianne H
Some brilliant vocabulary in there, well done.
Well done. I really like your power of 3 verbs as sentence openers.
wow i love it oliver well done