

Sitting dead still, with my hands in my dust covered hair, I look.  With my eyes wide open, I look at the chaos around me.  Knowing somehow I caused this destruction, I don’t remember a thing of how I did it.  I am taken aback by what I have caused and lose my balance.  Slowly and curiously, I stand up and take a sharp, deep breath.  Starting to move, my feet dodge the rubble, up the corridor.  The corridor was a total mess: toppled lockers, leaking juice boxes and teared paper was scattered across the floor.  I pass an open door, I see a teacher, with a really pale face, on the phone.  She briskly slams the door sending an echo down the corridor.  Then I hear what she says on the phone.  “Come quick! He’s leaving!” I knew then she was on the phone to the police.

“What I have done must be serious.” I mumble to myself.

I walk out of the large double doors to see a police car pull up outside the school.  “He must be looking for me.” I think to myself as I walk past the car.  I pull up my coat, hiding my face.  I see my bike.  Looking behind me, I see the teacher, who has a pale face, come rushing out of the door.  I picked up the pace and run towards my bike.  They’re talking about me.  The teacher lifts her head and points at me.  I know I have to start moving.  I swiftly hop on my bike and start pedalling towards home.  Continuously, I look back to see if I am being chased.  Elated and relieved, I pedal as fast as I can (which is surprisingly fast).

Exhilarated and ecstatic, I realised I got away from the police, I start to slow down.  Then, far off in the distance I hear sirens.  Startled, I pick up the pace going as fast as I have ever gone.  I throw my bike down on the lawn and head for my house.  I race towards the door.  Unlocking it, I seize my bag from the table but I stop in my track to witness ‘Supernatural occurrence at local school’ on the tv.  Suddenly, thoughts come rushing through my head: have I hurt people? Am I going to be arrested? Shocked, I dash in my room throwing my beloved belongings into the air (hearing no crashing behind  me) stuffing clothes in my bag.  I hear them outside shouting for me to surrender.  I don’t.  I sprint out my room.  Headed for the back door, I hear the front door collapse.  I shake the handle but it’s locked.  I need the key.  It’s on the table.  Uncontrollably, my hand raises.  They are now searching the house for me.  The key somehow comes to my hand.  I start unlocking it with footsteps becoming louder.  “Come with your hands up boy!” They yell at me.  I need to leave his town now.  The door unlocks and I am free-for now…

Swiftly, I run towards the forest leaving the police searching at my house for me.  I enter the forest, crushing twigs with just my feet.  If the police do come it will be impossible to find me in this impossible maze.  There are lots of sounds in the forest: leaves crunching under my feet, birds chirping and branches scraping my coat.  I cross the road before re-entering the forest.  Continuously, I look back to see if the police are chasing me.  The wind starts whistling, sending leaves up into the air.  The water starts to become a bit faster, almost like it’s telling me to run.  I ignore it.  Suddenly, footsteps are heard and I start to sprint.  Thoughts start cascading in my head: am I going to be caught? Are they going to kill me? Will they imprison me?

Anxiously, I pick up the pace seeing torchlights appear behind me.  Pursued to escape, I carry on running.  Feeling lonely and hunted, I run as fast as my legs can carry me.  I run through a cloud of smoke looking behind me.  Then, something tight gets grip of my shoulder.

I’m thrown to the ground.  Hairs sticking up on the back of my neck.  “Hands in the sky boy!” They shout at me.  I start to lose control of my body.  “We will shoot!” They scream pointing their guns at me.  I’m unable to move.  I mumble to myself, “Where is the thing that caused the chaos at school?” I curl up into a ball – still unable to move my body.  Face pale, a sudden surge of energy rushes through my veins.  Unexpectedly, an explosion! Law Enforcement cannon-balled through the air.  Then I remember everything.

Solomon C

One thought on “Titanium

  • Absolutely super description and I love the way you have built tension!


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