
Dreams of Kayu World

CRASH! CRASH! BANG! Chunks of ceiling collapsed every step the gargantuan took.  The lights exploded in bolts of lightning that lit up the halls with a blue luminous light.  It suddenly got brighter and hotter as he charged up his laser, followed by a deafening sound.  This is Godzilla, a huge lizard known for his mass destruction.

The blue light had faded and the door to Reception lay open.  “STOP!,” Mr Creighton shouted.  A shower of rocks fell, then we were back to running.

“Dive,” I yelled aware.  We leapt into the doorframe.  At the last second, we all leapt as the entire school collapsed.

“Hey, there, uh oh…” Samauh said, aware that the school had reduced to rubble.  We were in plain sight.

“Run for it,” I yelled; the others had vanished.

“Rise, wake up,” a familiar bellow rang.  As soon as I was about to get crushed by a flying car, I woke up in my room.


“You are late,” Mum shouted.  I quickly got dressed and ate my breakfast – THUMP! CREAK! … A thought ran through me.  Besides that noise, everything was fine.  I went to school, the trees twirling in the wind.

I was about to walk into the classroom when a deafening noise went off.  Everyone hurried outside to see what the cause was.  But I knew it too well…And before anyone could go back inside, a louder noise went off, then a CRASH!  A huge shape rose from the ground.  Then the spikes on it’s back grew brighter.


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