
Bishop King Year 5 – The Battle of Bosworth Poetry

-Battle of Bosworth-

On a dull,cold day,

We began to slay.

Spears replaced the clouds.

Henry stood like a statue,

In the bloody,creepy battle.

Half my soldiers left,

Like snakes finding prey.

My helpful tribe.

Weapons littered the floor.

The stanleys betrayed me.


Soldiers scrapped like cats.

My lifeless body on the field..

Dripping blood everywhere.

My mighty,strong tribe,

Watching Henry be crowned,

All my soldiers frowned.

Henry was sat on his horse,

Ready to start his course…

by Phoebe


Hooves clomping on the ground, 

Everywhere is full of sound 

Battle of Bosworth a tragic story, 

Which is also very gory. 

It started at overcast , gloomy Bosworth field , 

on top of a hill, 

Richard’s army was vast,  

Poor Henry didn’t stand a chance! 

While all the commotion was on, 

Lord Stanley didn’t know what to do.

“Who should we join,who? “

Although Richard’s army was vast, 

Henry’s was advanced, 

They got their sharp , flesh-digging arrows, 

Whoosh whoosh whoosh

 The battle truly began. 


The arrows were rockets, 

Shooting into the endless sky, 

Soldiers bled and died. 

Richard lost many, 

Lord Stanley could have chose any, 

Troops, follow me” 

They fought for Henry. 

They did not stop until they would win.  

The battle was bloody, 

Nobody survived, 

The field had a blanket of corpses, 

Laying on the ground. 

Oh, the brave battle the strong , suave soldiers fought, 

The wind was whistling wildly. 


The wind was howling,  

Soldiers souls were slayed, 

Silence filled the room. 

Unsuspecting Henry had been unhorsed. 

By Godsblessing

-Battle of Bosworth-

Horse hooves loudly running on the ground

Both enemies deadly sprinting in the crowd

Henry with 5000

Richard with 12000


Volleyed and plundered,

Chased and attacked

As the wind walked on the battle,

Charging in the light.


Arrows like bullets in the sky,

Them bowling like tigers in the night


Deadly soldiers slay souls!


The Stanleys came what should-

Oh what should we do?

They joined Henry and Richard is doomed.

They fought,cluttered but with no success,

Henry won with big declares.


Richard’s naked body was put on a mule

And paraded around Leschisire 

With no soul too…

By Maia


Two men fought for the throne.

Wanting the crown for their own.

Both of them were descendants of a king.

Picturing themselves in a robe and a ring.

Thirty years later the final fight began.

Clash went the swords, out their noise sang.

Henry had 5,000 in the army of his own.

Richard had 12,000 men to get the throne.

4,000 of his men are from the lord.

As both men set off, the rain poured and poured.

Swords clashed, arrows flew

Hundreds of people were killed, as the sadness grew.

6,000 slain soldiers slink slowly to the ground.

Being eaten by scavengers, even a hound.

Bitterly the 2 cousins fought.

Fighting till one is dead or caught.

Then Henry charged towards the other team.

 Heading for Richard it would seem.

Then he stabbed Richard, cut off his head.

Finally one of them has dropped down dead.

Henry is now king.

By Grace

The Battle Of Bosworth

The bell rang

The horns sang

The blood filled battle began

Large,huge blood thirsty

A tiny bit murky battlefield

The blood was a waterfall

Its heart cold iron

There is a siren

Old,kind Henry was riding

Richards army evacuated

Henry was the only one standing

Large,whooshing swords

The arrows colliding

Silly strong slaying soldiers

Arrows stomped down on old richards army

The wind limped.

By Ewan

The Battle Of Bosworth

The House of Lancaster came sailing on the sea,

until they reached England Henry Tudors destiny 

They landed in wales and marched to Richard 

The welsh men joined him to have a big, bloody battle in England.

Richard heard Henry was coming,

He  thought the Welsh landowners stopped him;

They didn’t!So they met at fresh lush Bosworth field

Bang then the fight began Henry Something peculiar down his heel

Richard steard off the hill with12000 men

Henry charged up the hill with only 5000 men

Arrows raining down Henry’s Bowmen died

Bang Woosh! Swords ambushed

Splat! Soldiers dying

All the field was covered in blood

Richard charged to murder Henry

Then Lord Stanly resolved be on Henry’s side

Splash! Henry’s assassinated Richard and got the crown

Stanlys sixty soldier’s slaying but they did have to bow    

Henry Stanley and his army are savages.

Everyone was bleeding because the wind slapped them 

Henry was a lion and the rest were his pride

The irritated wind was blowing on his back.

All of Richards army ran away 

Richards naked body was put on a mule then it relaxed on the hay

By Joanna


                                                  The fight began

                                   Henry drew his sharp shiny sword.

                                  So did his army Charging their bows

                                             With arrows of thorny

                                   Don’t fear Richard soon he will die

                                       Arrows drove through the sky

                                      Richard charged on his horse

                                             He drew his sword

                                           The handle is coarse

                                           Soon they will sigh

                                                He will petrify

                                                Death is nigh

                                                Too late to cry

                                             Arrows rained again

                                  They flew like a cool grey crane

                                    They clashed their swords

                                          Charging there horde

                                       Arrows flew everywhere

                                          So henry will glare

                                          Bang! Bang! Bang! 

                                           The swords sang

By Lucas

War Of The Roses

Early In The Morning.

A New King Might Be Coming.

Henry VII Landed In Wales.

He Had Around 5000 Males.

Richard Had 12000.

Lord Stanley Took 4000.

They Stood Back Patiently.

Richard’s Men Vanished Rapidly.

Bosworth Field Was Full Of People.

Bell Ringing In A Steeple.

Richard Had The High Ground.

Henry Had The Low Ground.

Killing Henry Was The Goal.

Instead…He lost His Soul.

Richard Was Blood-Thirsty.

Henry Got The Victory.

He Stood Like A Still,Rock Statue.

Hero Henry Was The New King.

By Nikodem

The Battle of Bosworth

The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,

King Richard was killing overseas,

Henry was sailing in his ship,

Plotting to stop Richard like nachos in dip,

Richard was a madman,

as the moon slept.

Richard was to be stopped,

As Henry walked through bodies flopped,

Richard was bound to be dead,

As his army will fled,

Oh sinister,impostering Richard,

You will die,

Like a snail being squished.

12000 to 5000

Who will win?

Richard or Henry

As the Richard the sinner,

Will die,

Under the morning light,

Will die,

Corpses blanketed the ground,

Richard is dead,

We’re always ahead.

By Daniel

One thought on “Bishop King Year 5 – The Battle of Bosworth Poetry

  • These are superb, really enjoyed reading them everyone. Looks like you really enjoyed your topic!


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