Non Fiction

Missing Child – Police Report

Case no: 00143                       Date: 29/08/11 Reporting Officer: PC Felix

On Friday 27 August, 2011, a small girl (Cherry Bush) age eleven went missing in the waters of Zennor Head beach in Cornwall. Presumed drowned.

Her physical description consists of long brown hair, a rosy skin tone, dark eyes and approximately 4 foot 6 inches.  Wearing a navy blue, purple spotted swimsuit.  Last seen in black jeans and a red hooded sweater in sandals.

All witnesses share the same story.  After the family had breakfast they got ready to go to the beach.  Approximately 10:30 family left cottage to go to the beach.  Cherry lead followed closely by Mr and Mrs Bush. The boys lagging behind; carrying snorkeling equipment.  They arrive at the beach. Cherry searching for shells behind some rocks.  Boys snorkeling in the shallow areas of the sea.  Mr and Mrs Bush relaxing on sun loungers.

Then the whole family ate lunch.

Approximately 15:00 Mr and Mrs Bush leave the beach and give Cherry and the boys not to bathe alone and to be back by 18:30.  Approximately 18:30 the boys return to the cottage without Cherry which was the last sighting of her. Family eats dinner without Cherry, Mrs and Mrs bush

concerned with light fading and a storm coming. Approximately 20:00 Mr Bush calls cottage owner (Rod Salmon) asking if he had seen Cherry, he had not. Rob advises Mr Bush to call search and rescue.  Approximately 20:30 Mr Bush calls search and rescue. Deployed the lifeboat with dangerous waters and high waves.  Mr Bush retraces his steps hoping to

find Cherry. The boys also go out to look for Cherry. Search called off at 22:30.

Saturday 28 August, authorities arrive at 8:30 with a towel found on cliff face. Mrs Bush positively declared it was Cherry.

Thorough search has not revealed the location of the missing child. Searches will continue but chances of finding Cherry alive are very slim. It is believed that she was swept out to sea during a fierce storm.

One thought on “Missing Child – Police Report

  • Great vocabulary choices PC Felix 🙂


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