Non Fiction

Missing Child – Police Report

Case no: 00143                       Date: 22/08/21 Reporting Officer: PC Elsa

On Friday August 20th, Cherry Coughlan, an eleven year old, went missing from Zennor Head beach in Cornwall. It is suspected that she was swept out to sea. The young girl was out collecting shells for her necklace when the tide came in.

Witnesses have said that she has dark straight hair and brown eyes. She has rosy cheeks and is approximately four foot six. Cherry’s father reports that she was wearing an orange and teal swimsuit. She was also wearing a red hat and had other clothes with her to change into: an orange jumper, leggings and long stripey socks.

After breakfast, it is reported that they left the cottage at 1030 hours to go to the beach. They walked along the cliff edge with Cherry leading, followed by her parents and at the back were her four brothers carrying all their snorkelling gear.

At the beach, Cherry left the family to search for her pink cowrie shells. Mrs Coughlan was reading her favourite book and her husband was fast asleep on his deckchair. When Mr Coughlan woke from his nap the family had their lunch: pasties, tomatoes and a chocolate bar each.

At approximately 1500 hours, Cherry’s parents left the beach and gave Cherry three clear instructions: not to bathe alone, keep her hat on and be back before dark. Later, at approximately 1830 hours, Cherry’s four brothers left the beach without Cherry. The last sighting of her was at 1830 hours.

Later on, the family had dinner without Cherry. The family explained that they felt worried when the light started to fade. They also said that at the time they could see storm clouds in the sky meaning a storm was going to pass soon. Mr Coughlan telephoned the cottage owner, Mrs Amelie Forster, though she reported that she had not seen or heard from her.

Mrs Forster advised Mr Coughlan to call the Search and Rescue team.

Mr Coughlan phoned Search and rescue at approximately 2030 hours. The team was sent out in a lifeboat to look for the girl. Mr Coughlan and his four sons decided to go out and retrace their steps from earlier that evening. Although , after many hours of searching, there was no sign of Cherry. Also, Search and Rescue did not have any luck finding her so they abandoned the search at 2230 hours.

At approximately 0730 hours the Search and Rescue team arrived at the cottage with a towel. Mrs Coughlan positively identified it as being Cherry’s towel. The Search and Rescue team explained that they would try to find Mr and Mrs Coughlan’s daughter but it would be a tricky mission.

The young girl [ Cherry ] has not been found. She is presumed drowned after being swept out to sea in a fierce storm. Investigations will continue but it is unlikely to find Cherry alive.

2 thoughts on “Missing Child – Police Report

  • Your effective use of formal language really shows you understood the purpose and audience of this piece of writing. Well done PC Elsa!

  • Super use of formal language which is perfect for this genre of writing. I really like your varied use of reported speech too. Great writing Elsa. 🙂


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