Publish and Promote Writing

The evidence is clear, if schools publish pupils writing they will be more engaged and standards will be higher.

Benefits of using Daily Digest

Turn your pupils in published authors
Give them a genuine purpose for writing outside their exercise books
Give them a global audience for their writing

Children that I taught were always more engaged and produced higher quality writing when I shared a genuine purpose with them. This is made much, much easier now with the internet where you can reach pretty much anyone almost instantly; proven by the fact a girl I taught received a handwritten letter from Marcus Sedgwick when she shared the work she had been doing on his book, Floodland.

Publish Pupils Writing

Publishing pupils writing gives them “a reason to write and someone to write for.”

Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2, Education Endowment Foundation (2021)

Why use Daily Digest?

Open their writing up to the world giving a global audience.

Who would normally read a pupil’s piece of work? A peer? The class teacher? The head teacher maybe? Maybe their parents?

Why not a people or an organisation that may be interested and engage with the content?

Publishing pupils writing gives them a genuinely relevant audience.

Publishing Writing Page
Publishing Writing Page

Identify who pupils are writing for.

Writing for a genuine audience gives pupils real purpose. They have to think more about their tone and how to achieve their desired effect on their reader. Their language choice and structure become increasingly more important.

Using Daily Digest allows them not only to publish their work easily but receive feedback and comments from anyone around the world.

What next? That’s the easy bit!

Go to our Registration Page register your school for free, receive your log in details and start publishing!

Pupils enjoy writing for family and friends more than for schoolwork.

Young People’s Writing: Attitudes, Behaviour and the Role of Technology – Clark and Dugdale