
The Village Pond

Humaiyra’s uncle had always told her scary stories about the village pond.  These stories were terrifying!  Some say these are true while others say they are false.  These stories are about ghosts which haunted this pond and kill anyone who trespass.  Today Humaiyra’s cousins Hannah and Mishall are trying to convince her to go there.  

“Oh, come on it’s not that scary,” exclaimed Mishall.

“But I don’t want to,” cried Humaiyra. 

“Look we will only be there for two minutes,” Hannah calmly reassured her.  Humaiyra got up, took a deep breath, and whispered to herself, “It’s only two minutes, you can do this.” 

Soon they were walking on the pathway towards the pond.  The wind picked up the crispy leaves.  It was a pitch black day and the clouds shrouded them like a dark shadow.  They sat on the muddy edge of the pond and slowly sunk their feet inside the misty cold pond.  

Then Hannah saw someone standing in the fields but as she shone her torch it was a tree.  The dark crooked branches reached into the sky.  Then again Humaiyra saw a figure with hair coming down their face, a white gown gone all muddy it was muttering something.  Her hands were trembling she felt fear creep up on her.  But in the blink of an eye it was gone.  She was shivering.  Humaiyra looked away and stared into the mist staring at the sky.  

Out of nowhere, she felt a sharp touch on her back small patterned taps, tap, tap, tap.  Nobody was near her everyone was gone!  She turned round and no one was there.  She could feel the tapping but when she turned round it was empty.  

She spun round and round as she stopped she saw the figure she had seen before this time it had a pale face with dark eyes that stare into your soul.  It put on a big grin, the teeth were yellower than yellow.  She felt the claws sink into her flesh. 


One thought on “The Village Pond

  • Oh my goodness – what happened next?!


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